25 January 2009


well it finally happened as i guess it most always does at some point. and it wasn't even the most invasive of encounters. it probably was hardly anything if it had run its course. but she found out near the beginning. the beginning of potentially nothing damaging. now there are all sorts of sickness, pain, disorder and general chaos. what happens now?? does he leave? do they get over it? or are they roommates for the next 12 years until the kids go to college? it is such a complicated situation. there were suspicions of her messing around in his head for a while. she wouldn't admit to it even if it was true. she is in the drivers seat now. so what she did or didn't do wont get found out. at least not in the short term. does it matter that when they met she had been screwing a married man?? is it the goose and gander thing? whether you are the cheater or the cheatee, the same deceit is tagged to you. but that doesn't count here though does it. that was 12 years ago and now you are being cheated on. can you really be so okay with it in one instance and so moral in the other? don't know yet. still new. gonna be a rough ride for a bit